On 7 November 2010 18:34, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>wrote:

> don't know. It seems that the british art world is not very active on
> wikipedia then, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_gallery redirects to
> art_museum ;-)

Ah, Wikipedia, that well known internationally agreed source of definitions
for words ;-) I forgot that we need to slavishly follow anything we spot in
Wikipedia or that other well-worn blind alley one's online dictionary of

As I wrote on the wiki, we have separate amenity values for bar, pub and
nightclub instead of amenity=drinking_establishment; we have shop values for
butcher, baker and grocer instead of a generic shop=food followed by a
sub-tag to define the type of food. There is no rule that says, because art
galleries are often considered a sort of museum, we must relegate "art
gallery" to a sub-type of culture=museum.

There is no problem with culture=museum, and since a great many art
galleries don't describe themselves as museums it would be worse to make
everyone use culture=museum plus some sub-tags.

well, not sure for nightclub if it is well placed in culture. We could
> discuss about this, I'm not completely against but next you will
> propose pubs to be entered as culture? Well, actually could be fine as
> well. What do the others think?

Well pubs and bars do probably belong in amenity. Nightclubs are
comparatively unimportant places where we go to dance and listen to music,
which fits my definition of culture!


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