On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 21:53:19 Richard Welty wrote:
> On 10/14/10 7:57 AM, Andrew Errington wrote:
> it's a hack, it happens to work for you, and that's ok.
> but it's not good practice in terms of making a generally usable
> database. it causes some existing renderers to do something you
> like, but may cause headaches for other renderers that need to
> break the names out. that's where some of us have a problem with
> the approach.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, however it wasn't my idea and it was like 
that when I got here.  I recognised it as a problem from the start, but I 
wasn't about to tell everyone 'ur doing it wrong' until
a) I knew what I was doing
b) There was a solution

So, when we get a renderer that can render "name:ko + (name:en)" we can delete 
all name=* which have been typed in that form and then rename name:ko=* to 

(Um, and then change the renderer to render "name + (name:en)", of course)

In fact, I would go so far to say that we *can* do it now, and that we should 
start a project to introduce this function into the renderer and remove the 
previously hacked name=* tags in the database.  In Korea that would not be a 
problem, as it's not really comprehensively mapped yet.  Japan has a *lot* of 
data (so probably a lot of contributors and users that would need to be 
consulted/informed).  There are other countries that also use this "local 
name (English name)" form for name=*

So, how do I start such a process?

Best wishes,


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