On 31 July 2010 21:20, Dave F. <dave...@madasafish.com> wrote:
> & you've exacerbated the inconsistency by splitting fire & ambulance
> stations to different keys!

This thread was about shifting police and fire to emergency...

> The original post was about fire_hydrants (I think - with the threads
> getting split it's hard to follow).

That was another thread...

> Someone (You?) went off on an unnecessary tangent to ambulance.

It wasn't previously documented at all...

> Your proposal  doesn't add any value to OSM.

Actually it does, it splits things away from let's dump everything in
the amenity key space...

> Sorry John, but you really haven't thought this through.

I don't see you're point here, others seem to agree with the
suggestions brought up, otherwise I would have been shouted down
before this thread was ever cross posted to the talk list.

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