2010/7/31 Dave F. <dave...@madasafish.com>:
> Your proposal  doesn't add any value to OSM.
> Sorry John, but you really haven't thought this through.

I think we can stop right here with Dave personal attack to John (it
was strange because there is at least three persons in this thread who
supports this change) and think why it happens so frequently when
anyone dears to suggest change current tag regime even for a little. I
think there is some indication of lack of any clear vision for OSM.
Sorry, but "free map for all" doesn't cut it, you need more local and
concrete goals too.

Current tag scheme is a mess. And mess is still a mess, even if *you*
dig it. There is no clear guidelines how to create new tag (even if we
stay "free to tag" platform, instructions are must have to have at
least some consistency). There is old mess with almost everything and
it's shadow tagged in amenity name space. While we have several
relations, lot of proposed ones are not even normally accepted yet.
Wiki is a chaotic bunch of links. Useful, but still chaotic.

Yes, it started with emergency=fire_hydrant, but John reasonably rose
a pitch because lot of things can be in this name space. Discussion
was quite reasonable until "don't change what doesn't
work...ups...works...sort of" meme didn't kicked in.

I understand amount of work what should be done to change things.
However, should it be stoppage power so we do nothing - I really doubt

Let's be more civil and polite with each other too.


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