On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Mike Harris <mik...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> I think this is an important point. It becomes a problem when
>> people try to map the *law*, because legal status is often
>> difficult to verify - e.g. you can't see it!
> ... Unless you have access to non-copyright information on legal status and
> this is reasonably available in the public domain in England and Wales ...

And what would you suggest for the rest of the world?

> I would avoid highway=path so far as possible and give preference to
> highway=footway / cycleway / track etc. unless the path on the ground was an
> ill-defined informal track with unknown (or no) legal status. This provides
> more information.

In Australia, we ARE tagging paths generally with "unknown (or no)
legal status". Should we *guess* the legal status and use
footway/cycleway etc., or use highway=path + surface + width?

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