Le 2022-12-04 à 14 h 30, David Stalling a écrit :
PS I don't think the 3 point XY technique is mentioned in the article but
just to give you a starting point for digging further.

Official web site of Michael Williams: https://www.mmad.info/

(Content of the "soundsscot.com" web site was migrated to "mmad.info" in 2009)

There's articles, tons of microphone setups... And a mention of Triphony (3 point XY?), without much details:

https://www.mmad.info/MAD/Ch_n_cov.htm , https://www.mmad.info/MAD/3Ch/3ch.htm

Cool pictures of his "Crocodile" optical tool: https://www.mmad.info/MSS/mmss.htm

Here's an interview from 2011 (main language of the video is Basque, but interview is in English): https://youtu.be/b_OUhY16OhI


On Sun 4 Dec 2022, 19:26 David Stalling, <davidstall...@ear.ie> wrote:

Hi Thorsten,

Michael Williams is the author of the very interesting article about
stereo recording, The Stereophonic Zoom. Find it here:



Web: linktr.ee/davidstalling

On Sun 4 Dec 2022, 19:08 Thorsten Michels, <t.mich...@posteo.de> wrote:

Hi there!

Does anyone ever heard of a system described as "3 point XY"?

I attached a drawing to make it more understandable.

It seems to be a very special (aka very unknown) setup with three
In the YT-Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA6MZPNVyZU, (only
available in German) the author claims, that this setup is based on
something Mr. Michael Williams has published.

Obiviously Mr. Google and I have some communication problems. He wont
show we any information about this.
Does someone of the great audiance has any information available by any
chance? If so, would you please share it with me?

I will give it a try next weekend, but it would be nice, if someone
could tell me more details in advance.

Thank you very much in advance, take care and stay healthy!


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