I have st350 and rode. My sound field experience goes back to the original 
black frame box

St350’is a good mix and has excellent flexibility for recording b format and a 
stereo mix. And has a decent headphone drive from the stereo mix 

The ride is quieter sweeter and a nicer. But it’s a format. So you need 
something to process it to b format afterwards if that’s where you want to end 
up . More importantly there is no motoring unless you bring a laptop and harpex 
or equivalent. 

I have asked rode for a box to do the same as the st350 box for creating a 
stereo mix and providing a decent headphone but nothing is forthcoming so far 

I like both and generally record with both at the same time. And a pair of 
schopes omnis and a royer sf24. Because why not?

Sent from my iPhone

> On 29 Nov 2022, at 19:22, j...@bmbcon.demon.nl wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I know this has been gone over before, but now more of you must have 
> experience of the Rode NT-SF1 and the Sennheiser Ambeo mics.
> I’m thinking of selling my Soundfield ST350 and getting a smaller, more 
> portable mic. I have heard recordings of course, but I haven’t been able
> to try either mic. It’s more for field recording use, sometimes in the studio.
> Is there really a bit difference between the two, do you think? or will 
> everyone go “Noooo! Don’t sell the 350!” 
> best wishes, Justin
> Justin Bennett
> jus...@justinbennett.nl
> www.justinbennett.nl
> http://jubilee-art.org/
> https://vimeo.com/justinbennett
> https://justinbennett.bandcamp.com/
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