Hi Justin!

It directly depends on what you want to record and for which purpose.
I strive for solutions where I can record "the max" for a reasonable 
price and can still decide in post, what will be the final result.
Just like with M/S Stereo-recordings. You may decide even in post, how 
wide your stereo image will sound like.
In this kind of habbit I see the https://spcmic.com. On their internet 
site, they claim to record 3rd order Ambisonic.
And due to a presentation I saw at the Schoeps "Mikroforum 2022", given 
by Mr. Zotter, I understand, that only 3rd order (and above) Ambisonic
recordings give you the required details to decide in at latest in post, 
how your "virtual room" and  any event inside of it, will sound like.
And for me the https://spcmic.com, looks like a better choice, as it 
offers 3rd order Ambisonic instead of FOA.
Especially if you take a closer look on the price. ;-)

To be honest, I just listened to some "demo-recordings", but that already was mind-blowing. So, for me, this would be an honest option to check, BEFORE I spend twice the money.
Just my 2 cents.

Take care and stay healthy

Best Regards

Am 29.11.2022 um 20:21 schrieb j...@bmbcon.demon.nl:
Hi everybody,

I know this has been gone over before, but now more of you must have experience 
of the Rode NT-SF1 and the Sennheiser Ambeo mics.

I’m thinking of selling my Soundfield ST350 and getting a smaller, more 
portable mic. I have heard recordings of course, but I haven’t been able
to try either mic. It’s more for field recording use, sometimes in the studio.

Is there really a bit difference between the two, do you think? or will 
everyone go “Noooo! Don’t sell the 350!”

best wishes, Justin

Justin Bennett




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