I did a multichannel sound installation recently in a park that required
over half a km of XLR cables - with attendant health and safety laws and it
was hell - cables had to be routed through trees, over walkways, building
etc with a cherry picker. I looked into some wireless solutions but wasnt
convinced that the signal would always be reliable over the large distances
involved, through walls etc We had power sockets dotted around the park and
generators so power for the speakers wasn't a problem.  I also looked into
getting a booster for the wireless signal to increase range. As far as I
could make out though the broadcasted signal should have been as reliable
as a physical cable in terms of latency and time differences between
different channels . One solution proposed was to use senhiesers wireless
headphone units to broadcast the channels. Anyway if anyone knows of a
wireless cable system out there that is high quality and works over
distances of up to 400m (in places where there is no internet) please let
me know !

On 26 January 2013 05:29, umashankar manthravadi <umasha...@hotmail.com>wrote:

> I cannot answer your questions, but yes, there is a crying need for
> something like this. I would think many more people would try and eight
> loudspeaker system if they did not have to trail eight sets of wires all
> over the room. umashankar
> i have published my poems. read (or buy) at
> http://stores.lulu.com/umashankar
>  > Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 20:32:57 +0100
> > From: sventheb...@gmail.com
> > To: sursound@music.vt.edu
> > Subject: [Sursound] Broadcasting b-format over 802.11g to Ambisonic
> speaker   system
> >
> > Dear Sursounders,
> >
> > soon I will start working on my Master's Thesis in Embedded Systems
> > Engineering at FH Campus Vienna.
> >
> > I'm interested in Ambisonics decoding and I have the idea to broadcast
> > b-format over 802.11g to the speakers. A programmed microcontroller
> > mounted right behind each speaker will receive the b-format stream
> > and, by knowing the position of its speaker and the geometric
> > formation of the array, the µC will solve the ambisonics decoding
> > matrix and will send the calculated audio to the active speaker.
> >
> > Do you think, there is some interest in such a technique?
> > Does somebody know other (or same) technical ideas or implementations?
> > I've heard that Dolby works on streaming Dolby Surround over WLAN, but
> > that's technically a different approach.
> >
> > This is not about auto-configure Ambisonic speaker arrays. My focus is
> > in the realization of a wifi streaming application for b-format
> > including a receiver which knows all needed information about the
> > Ambisonic playback system to decode an appropriate sound signal.
> >
> > The main question will be: How can I guarantee that all receiving µCs
> > work synchronous, or with so little jitter, that the sound image for
> > the listener doesn't collapse?
> > Further problems are:
> > By using 802.11g, is there enough bandwidth for streaming uncompressed
> > b-format? (minimum: 1st order, 48kHz,16bit ~3 Mbit/s net, without any
> > overhead)
> > How much DSP power is needed for decoding? Do I need an embedded
> > system with Analog Devices processor or is i.e. a CortexM4 sufficient?
> > Do I really need DSP power or will be a RasPi adequate in filtering
> > rE/rV and audio quality?
> >
> > I think it's a lot of work to bring this idea into reality. In my
> > thesis I will focus on realtime constraints and if I get that done and
> > working, I will implement some decoding algorithms for different
> > speaker layouts.
> >
> > I would be happy for some replies,
> > thanks in advance,
> > Sven Thebert
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