I cannot answer your questions, but yes, there is a crying need for something 
like this. I would think many more people would try and eight loudspeaker 
system if they did not have to trail eight sets of wires all over the room. 

i have published my poems. read (or buy) at http://stores.lulu.com/umashankar
 > Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 20:32:57 +0100
> From: sventheb...@gmail.com
> To: sursound@music.vt.edu
> Subject: [Sursound] Broadcasting b-format over 802.11g to Ambisonic speaker   
> system
> Dear Sursounders,
> soon I will start working on my Master's Thesis in Embedded Systems
> Engineering at FH Campus Vienna.
> I'm interested in Ambisonics decoding and I have the idea to broadcast
> b-format over 802.11g to the speakers. A programmed microcontroller
> mounted right behind each speaker will receive the b-format stream
> and, by knowing the position of its speaker and the geometric
> formation of the array, the µC will solve the ambisonics decoding
> matrix and will send the calculated audio to the active speaker.
> Do you think, there is some interest in such a technique?
> Does somebody know other (or same) technical ideas or implementations?
> I've heard that Dolby works on streaming Dolby Surround over WLAN, but
> that's technically a different approach.
> This is not about auto-configure Ambisonic speaker arrays. My focus is
> in the realization of a wifi streaming application for b-format
> including a receiver which knows all needed information about the
> Ambisonic playback system to decode an appropriate sound signal.
> The main question will be: How can I guarantee that all receiving µCs
> work synchronous, or with so little jitter, that the sound image for
> the listener doesn't collapse?
> Further problems are:
> By using 802.11g, is there enough bandwidth for streaming uncompressed
> b-format? (minimum: 1st order, 48kHz,16bit ~3 Mbit/s net, without any
> overhead)
> How much DSP power is needed for decoding? Do I need an embedded
> system with Analog Devices processor or is i.e. a CortexM4 sufficient?
> Do I really need DSP power or will be a RasPi adequate in filtering
> rE/rV and audio quality?
> I think it's a lot of work to bring this idea into reality. In my
> thesis I will focus on realtime constraints and if I get that done and
> working, I will implement some decoding algorithms for different
> speaker layouts.
> I would be happy for some replies,
> thanks in advance,
> Sven Thebert
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