On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 08:32:57PM +0100, Sven Thebert wrote:
> The main question will be: How can I guarantee that all receiving µCs
> work synchronous, or with so little jitter, that the sound image for
> the listener doesn't collapse?

Thinking a bit more about this, there is another challenge closely
related to the delay issue.

If the speaker input is analog, you'll have a DA converter in each
receiver. This needs to get its sample clock *from the received data*
unless you're prepared to resample the signal after decoding. Since
there can and will be significant jitter on the wireless data timing,
reconstructing a stable clock from this won't be easy.

If the speaker input is digital that same problem is shifted into the
speaker - the question is then how much clock jitter it is prepared
to accept. 

One solution is to distribute the word clock by cable, but this again
puts the wireless interface into question - the same cable could as well
carry the audio data.



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