Ok, the citings and links weren't presented in the desired form.
I guess this is because there was no clear ISO standard for HTML
citings... (In fact, maybe this is because I was copying HTML to
plain text format, forced by the sursound list owners to do so. :-) )
Anyway, I am completely shocked that even HTML seems to be based on some
ISO stuff.
HTML <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML>, XHTML
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XHTML>, and XML
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML> are all examples of SGML-based languages.
Shock, awe, trembling... O:-)
Good night,
Stefan Schreiber wrote:
Marc Lavallée wrote:
Remember that MPEG is creating proprietary, industrial and commercial
standards using lots of patents. How Ambisonics can co-exist?
The MPEG is part of the International Standard Organisation (ISO), in
fact it was founded by both ISO and IEC.
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