Stefan Schreiber wrote:
Marc Lavallée wrote:
Remember that MPEG is creating proprietary, industrial and commercial
standards using lots of patents. How Ambisonics can co-exist?
citing my 1st posting:
Dear colleagues...
I would like to remember everybody interested or already being
involved that ITU/MPEG plan to define and issue some 3D audio standard
(better: 3D audio standard framework) during this year. The 3D audio
codec is meant to be part of the (wider) MPEG-H standard.
This all makes a lot of sense, 'cos ;-) there is already some
competition around:
(further down in the thread)
- The "object audio" proposals are all driven by the need to cope for
many different loudspeaker layouts. This issue is no problem for
You either apply to be part of MPEG-H or not, look to the thread topic.
In this context, your question
How Ambisonics can co-exist?
doesn't make any sense, at least not within the topic of the thread.
In a wider "review":
IF (supposedly) HOA (and formats based on this) is not patent-free,
would you refuse HOA, independently of technical merit?
This is actually a fair counterquestion...
At this stage, the MPEG/ISO has issued a call for a 3D audio
codec/environmeny, Ambisonics/HOA fits into the requirements. If you
don't apply, another technology will make it anyway.
(This is the situation how it is. I had written this before. "Time is
running out", at least at MPEG. To establish some open project is a
completely different thing. But in this case there should be a new
thread, and people on behalf of MPEG et al. should be banned to read,
for undisclosured reasons... O:-) )
P.S.: It means Ambisonic/HOA has competition. And even almighty MPEG/ISO
has some competition. (This is why I have mentioned Dolby, Barco, DTS, ...)
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