I cant remember the formula off hand but it important ,I am told, to use
the correct number of speakers for the order you are using - so if you use
too many speakers for the order that can also muddy up the localisation.
Someone will enlighten us Im sure but is it :

 the order number + 1 squared ?

If thats correct you should use 9 speakers for second order ?

On 9 July 2012 12:17, Garth Paine <ga...@activatedspace.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone
> I have been gathering lots of ambient field recordings in A-Format for a
> few years using my SPS200 Soundfiled mike and a 788T.  I have experimented
> with playback over an 8 channel circle, and also with 3 circles of 8 at
> different heights (roof, 3M, 1M), and some other arrangements.  I am
> currently working on 2 dance works where I want to use some of this
> material and also spatialise other synthesized material.  I have 8 Meyer
> UPJ-1 to use in the space and may be able to get 2 more for height (not
> certain adn these may not be available at all venues).
> I would like to achieve better localization than I have found easy to do
> using lower order playback and wonder if it is possible to undertake higher
> order playback with only 8 speakers?  ALso would it make sense to have the
> speakers in the circle at different heights - would that allow a hint of
> the height information (I would tell the plugin where they are), or just
> distort the render?
> Thanks in advance for your advice
> Cheers,
> Garth Paine
> ga...@activatedspace.com
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