On 07/09/2012 01:17 PM, Garth Paine wrote:
Hi everyone

I have been gathering lots of ambient field recordings in A-Format
for a few years using my SPS200 Soundfiled mike and a 788T.  I have
experimented with playback over an 8 channel circle, and also with 3
circles of 8 at different heights (roof, 3M, 1M), and some other
arrangements.  I am currently working on 2 dance works where I want
to use some of this material and also spatialise other synthesized
material.  I have 8 Meyer UPJ-1 to use in the space and may be able
to get 2 more for height (not certain adn these may not be available
at all venues).

try height, it will improve envelopment a lot, but don't expect any meaningful height localisation with only two speakers up there.

here's my take on with-height surround:

I would like to achieve better localization than I have found easy to
do using lower order playback and wonder if it is possible to
undertake higher order playback with only 8 speakers?

yes. an octogon will give you wonderful third-order horizontal, which will provide very good localisation even for largish audiences, and very little phasing.

to use your first-order recordings on an octogon, try the HARPEX decoder. there's some content it chokes on, but generally the results are very good.

ALso would it
make sense to have the speakers in the circle at different heights -
would that allow a hint of the height information (I would tell the
plugin where they are), or just distort the render?

it will just distort the rendering, and compromise the horizontal precision.



Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487

Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
Tonmeister VDT


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