I'm new to this group (even if my colleague Jerome (Daniel) shares sometimes 
info about it) so I hope you will excuse my usage of this list for the 
following information and questions ...
The MPEG audio group is about to start a standardization process in order to 
create a 3D audio codec.
As 3D audio experts, you are welcome to assist freely to the MPEG-H 3D Audio 
Workshop in Stockholm on July the 18th (all details here: 
This codec should have the ability to flexibly render an audio program to an 
arbitrary number of loudspeakers with arbitrary configurations.
I think it could be a good opportunity to make it also support HOA format (as 
input of the audio encoder, output of the audio decoder, or both), and not only 
classical "multichannel" formats such as 5.1, 7.1, 10.2, 22.2...
In this context, could you please send an email before July 11th to 
hoamilit...@gmail.com<mailto:hoamilit...@gmail.com> indicating in just several 

-          if you support HOA format as an input of the future 3D audio 
encoder, and why (what use-cases?)

-          if you support HOA format as an output of the future 3D audio 
decoder, and why (what use-cases?)

-          please indicate also what is your point of view: content creator, 
capturing or rendering device manufacturer, researcher, developer ...
Thank you for sharing this valuable information which should help in militating 
in favor of HOA, and sorry for people not interested in my message.

PS: Don't hesitate to forward this message to people/organizations/companies 
who could also be interested in attending the workshop and/or helping to 
militate in favor of HOA.


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