Not as good as the Li-Ion pack, but not bad at 3 hours 15 minutes approx. I 
missed the exact cut-off as I had to answer a phone call and when I came back 
in to the room, the batteries had died. Maplin has packs of four of these 
batteries with charger at a sale price of £14.95.

Tomorrow I'm back at Bentwaters with my tame Spitfire, which has had an engine 
change and so sounds rather different, for a set of recordings for a future CD 
release. I'll have a whole bunch of stuff to record with - from a ULN-8 down to 
a Zoom H1, although I suspect I won't use that much.

The DR-680 will be used for recording close-up using either the SPS200-SB or 
the TetraMic, and possibly with Sennheiser MKH418 and a Schoeps MK8/MK4 M/S 
combination. Take-offs and landings later in the day with the ST-250 and the 
SPS-200, and possibly the TetraMic as well. Everything will be relying on 
battery power...

Nice day for it, though!

Best wishes,


On 17 Apr 2011, at 22:45, John Leonard wrote:

> Next step is a set of Engergizer 2450 mA/Hr rechargeables, which I'm charging 
> overnight now.

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