On 01/04/2011 12:19, Svein Berge wrote:
On 1. april. 2011, at 13:08, dave.mal...@york.ac.uk wrote:
On the question of with-height - I presume that, at the very least, the binaural out produces
Ahh - just noticed this is greyed out on the player.....
PS The more I play with it, the more I like the display (and the more jealous I am that you were
able to do it). I would _definitely_ spin that out as a separate product for both B Format and
(more importantly from the sales POV) 5.1. I feel that it's _way_ better than most of the other
surround displays I've seen including the very expensive professional "Jellyfish" hardware displays
like http://www.dk-technologies.com/products/product.php?type=MSD600C-5.1
These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
/* Dave Malham http://music.york.ac.uk/staff/research/dave-malham/ */
/* Music Research Centre */
/* Department of Music "http://music.york.ac.uk/" */
/* The University of York Phone 01904 432448 */
/* Heslington Fax 01904 432450 */
/* York YO10 5DD */
/* UK 'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio' */
/* "http://www.york.ac.uk/inst/mustech/3d_audio/" */
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