Luca Filipozzi writes ("Re: Voting system R&D (Re: 2017 update to the SPI 
voting algorithm for Board elections)"):
> On Thu, Mar 02, 2017 at 07:18:06PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > [1] Personally I think the voting system should be entrenched in
> > the bylaws but I have given up trying to persuade people that the
> > Board election system should be defended against the Board.
> We discussed the awkwardness of the Board setting the rules for
> electing the Board, which is why I suggested during the recent Board
> meeting that we ask you to draft the resolution.

Interesting, thanks.

> Once the proposed revisions to the By-Laws pass, we can start talking about
> adding language regarding Board composition and/or Board voting algorithm.

Thanks for that encouragement.  I'd like to help with that.


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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