Barak A. Pearlmutter writes ("Re: Voting system R&D (Re: 2017 update to the SPI 
voting algorithm for Board elections)"):
> [stuff]

I've said all I want to say about choice of voting systems.  It's
clear that you are not going to convince me; and that I am not going
to convince you.  I suggest we drop it.

> Unfortunately, tally sheets, at least as usually defined, do not
> contain all the information in the ballots, and are insufficient for
> purposes of deep analysis. Debian releases the actual ballots (without
> any identifying information of course.) I would suggest SPI follow
> suit.

Where are you looking ?  AFAICT this
is the complete data as actually filled into the voting form.
It is this data that I used (after a bit of conversion) in my
experimental testing of openstv against my own reimplementation.
What information do you think is missing ?

> I really don't understand why you're advocating STV

If you don't understand by now then clearly you never will.  We will
have to agree to disagree.

The Board has asked me to draft the resolution, and I am going to
draft it to specify a voting system I have confidence in.

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