On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 01:52:30AM +0200, cami wrote:
> Hi All..
> Are there any plans to store all bayes/awl related tokens etc inside
> a mysql database? Currently i have a server farm with 10 SA dedicated
> servers which are handling just over 350 000 mailboxes.. Wouldnt it
> be better to have everything updating one central place? (having
> it inside a mysql database would get rid of file locking issues,
> and would allow updates to be instantaneous across all machines,
> and well, i guess its pretty much self explanatory..)
That's certainly a big installation. ;)

> Any such plans, or people willing to write the code? ;)

I'd worry that it'd take a big monster of an SQL server to get the
transactional performance needed to handle such large installations.

We are about a 1/10th or your size, running on 4 servers (to handle load
spikes) with a dedicated SQL server (that also does housekeeping for the
cluster.)  Not running bayes and have recently disabled the AWL due to the
fact that it was accounting for 80% of the I/O load on our NetApp filer that
handles our NFS homedir mounts.

Our intention was going to be fixing the AWL to support ageout of cruft
entries which will creatly reduce the size of the AWL databases, and hence
performance (I hope,) adding support to store bayes and awl databases
outside of the default location with configs (some of our users still
use flat file configuration) as well as adding some other hacks to better
support bayes training by the average ISP user.

SQL would be an appealing solution, but would it scale well?  It seems like
relying on NFS, as problematic as it can be some times, is more robust and
scalable if things are handled correctly.  (Deep hashing of directories,
allowing for many mounts to many severs, although I suppose the same could
be done for SQL DSNs as well.)

Kelsey Cummings - [EMAIL PROTECTED]           sonic.net, inc.
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