Ok - I found what I was missing...

Now I read: http://www.spamassassin.org/dist/sql/README

And it doesn't mention that I have to add different options to spamd to use
sql... I feel a little stupid, but I hope this helps those who come after me

The man for spamd could probably use an edit or two:

       -q, --sql-config
           Turn on SQL lookups even when per-user config files have been
           disabled with -x. this is useful for spamd hosts which don't have
           user's home directories but do want to load user preferences from
           an SQL database.

to my understanding, this says the option is only valid if -x has already
been used... when in fact, it is required to turn on sql lookups at all.

so for testing:

spamd -D --sql-config #for SQL AND home dir support
spamd -D --sql-config -x #for SQL without home dir .spamassassin options


change -D to -d to daemonize for production.

Hope this helps some.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mitch (WebCob) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 9:00 PM
Subject: RE: [SAtalk] MySQL not working? No indication of error when
running spamd -D

There must be something else I'm missing - does spamd have to be started as
a non-root user?

There must be some reason it's not checking the SQL - I'm working backwards
through the calls, but there must be a reason - eh?



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