On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Chris Santerre wrote:

> Up until now, no one has really done anything with hosts. This is kind of
> the first instance where it will make a large impact. I'm sure no one has
> ever complained to these hosts. We have all been complaining about ISPs
> where the email comes from, not image/web hosting of spammers. So I have a
> VERY important question:

As Scott Crosby pointed out, this does happen, though perhaps not as
often as reporting to the ISP.  In general, when I get on the track of
a spammer, I always report it to the hosting company, because....

> Although that is doubtful as hosting
> spamsite/image isn't really againist Usage Poilcies. However legit customers
> may learn that there host is being marked as spam and go elsewhere. THAT
> hurts the hosts the most. 

Actually, I've found that alot of hosting companies forbid the
hosting of spamvertised sites in their AUPs.  I always check
before I send them a complaint if it's in there, and generally quote
it back to them if it is (assuming I can find any AUP at all).

IMHO, this strategy is more effective than plinking them off their
mail hosting bases, particularly given that if the site is removed,
the spam that are already out there lose their value.

Public key #7BBC68D9 at            |                 Shane Williams
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All syllogisms contain three lines |              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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