On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 16:58:19 -0500, Matt Chapman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I have been deleting at a score of 5 via Mimedefang.  I notice that
> some spam is scoring at 3.5 and 4ish.  Is is better to tag at say
> 3-4.9 and delete if it is any higher?

> What are some of the setups out there? 

I sort it three ways. 

Having a single spam folder is a very bad decision, because it means
that it gets so cluttered with junk that almost all users just nuke it
all unread. Instead what I do is I filter 

8<x    junk.spam.sa.high     66% of spam is classified here.
6<x<8  junk.spam.sa.medium   20%
2<x<6  junk.spam.sa.low      14%

High is almost exclusively foreign language spam. Medium is domestic
language spam, low gets the rare FP, and a few of the junkier but
still solicited newsletters. I also sort out high before mailing
lists, and the others after mailing lists. This way I can partially
filter mailing lists, yet avoid lots of FP's that setting a universal
threshold of 2 would cause. I keep a threshold of 2 for my main inbox
and low remains uncluttered enough to check for FP's.

> What score do you delete at?

I never delete automatically, but the high catagory gets a 10 second
glance every week, medium gets 20 seconds every week, and low gets 10
seconds a day. Even when I 'delete', I am archiving it for my own spam
processing engine. 


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