Thanks to all who responded to me with hints and suggestions.

I had seen all the web sites mentioned but had not completely understood how
they all fitted together. Maybe a topic for the FAQ?

I've tried adding a fair number of rules and, noting comments made, had the
notion of asking if it would be a good idea if authors quoted the target hit
values that their rules were designed for? If people knew what the target
the scores in the rules have been designed for they could be easily
recalculated by anyone for their own target.

So far all the rules I've tried are fine as I mark as spam at 5.0, and
deliver, I don't deliver at 10.0 and above (I've seen no false positives
above 10.0). 

One set I've tried, the virus bounce, interested me as I'm being inundated
with Sven virus emails. These have increased dramatically recently as in the
last week I have created a number of new email accounts just for maillist
postings and these are all now getting hit with Sven mails. Anyway, looking
though the virus bounce rules I did not see any referring to Sven. Has
anyone written some or do they need doing? I'm no coding king (it's been 20
years since I did any serious programming) but I'll have a go if they need



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