> > You are forgetting that there are two pieces here, spamc and spamd. spamc
> > has a timeout. I believe it works like this.
> > 
> > spamc sends the message to spamd. If spamd doesn't finish in time, spamc
> > goes ahead and releases the message unchanged. This doesn't shut down
> > spamd, which continues to process, and log its actions, but when it tries
> > to respond to spamc, the other end of the socket is gone.
> > 
> > 
> True. Spamd is easiest to follow through debugging messages, though. In 
> looking at the logs for spamd (see the original email), I don't see any 
> particular delays. The entire message appears to be processed in around 
> 2 seconds, including the RBLs.
> So, unless something's breaking in between spamd and spamc, it appears 
> that the message is getting returned in around 2 seconds, based on the 
> spamd logs. I don't see spamd processes hanging around longer than that, 
> so I'm pretty doubtful that anythings handing.
> On my production machine, if I get a surge of email, or after restarting 
> SA, I sometimes see processing times go into the tens of seconds. If so, 
> spamc still waits paitently.
> I'm going to watch the spamd/spamc communication with ngrep for a 
> while... that should confirm what traffic is being passed.

Watch out for surges that cause it to hit MAX_CHILD, or some other
throttle. Might even be a sendmail throttle. Doesn't matter if spamd needs
only 2 seconds if there are 15 guys ahead of it in line and MAX_CHILD is
set to 10.

> --Rich
> _________________________________________________________
> Rich Puhek
> ETN Systems Inc.
> 2125 1st Ave East
> Hibbing MN 55746
> tel:   218.262.1130
> _________________________________________________________


Jack Gostl      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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