X-MailScanner-SpamCheck: spam, SpamAssassin (score=7.4, required 6, AWL
        BAYES_30 -0.93, HTML_40_50 0.74, HTML_FONT_COLOR_BLUE 0.10,
        MIME_HTML_ONLY 0.10)

+ -0.93
+  0.74
+  0.10
+  0.10

does NOT equal 7.4 ... I'm no math genius but my $2000 calculator here
running windoze says that adds up to 0.01

Is this a case where AWL went awry? Without whitelisting every person that
could possibly Email me, how do I stop this? turn AWL off? I'm running
sa-learn a few times a day on spam and ham, keeping my ratio at about
500:300 (spam:ham) and this guy simply replied to a message that was not
flagged as spam at all... in fact the message he replied to scored like

(I copied the message out of my ham archive and ran spamassassin -tD on it,
btw this message was from me)

Content analysis details:   (-2.60 points, 5 required)
BAYES_10           (-4.7 points) BODY: Bayesian classifier says spam
probability is 10 to 20%
                   [score: 0.1409]
HTML_20_30         (1.5 points)  BODY: Message is 20% to 30% HTML
HTML_FONT_COLOR_BLUE (0.1 points)  BODY: HTML font color is blue
SUBJ_ALL_CAPS      (0.5 points)  Subject is all capitals

The suject was not ALL caps either, this was the subject line:
"RE: Tools to Help Organize the GRG Discussion-Group Database"

Any thoughts?


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