Vicki Brown wrote:

>> Excuse me... refuse? REFUSE? Refuse _point blank_???  What are you on ?!
Tony Earnshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Fed up with people who expect everyone else to be clairvoyants. Think
> about it.

Tony, I think you should *stop* answering questions.  You've been
extremely unhelpful on a number of occasions.  Vicki found a real
problem (unrelated to her MTA) and submitted a bug at Justin's request.
I don't need you and your attitude alienating new users from the moment
they arrive.

I often have to deal with angry and frustrated people in the course of
being a developer.  I don't need you making people even angier before
they even get to bugzilla.

Vicki, I put the bug you submitted into the queue for 2.60 since it
seems to allow spam to exploit the AWL; we'll try to fix it for 2.60, if
not, probably 2.61.


I don't really need this...


Daniel Quinlan                     anti-spam (SpamAssassin), Linux, and open   source consulting (looking for new work)

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