At 18:26 +0200 2003-07-27, Tony Earnshaw wrote:
>Vicki Brown wrote:
>> Today two pieces of nasty x-rated spam came through the filters with
>> scores because the spammer spoofed the From address to be _my_ address (the
>> address part only; the "real name" is not mine, they don't have that
>> information).
>Solve this at your MTA level. Only you know what mailserver you're
>running, only you know what SA version you're using, only you know how
>you are calling SA. And only you refuse point blank to tell others.

Excuse me... refuse? REFUSE? Refuse _point blank_???  What are you on ?!

SA version=2.43 - very evident from the email I sent; I clipped all of the SA

How I'm calling - procmail.  As several docs recommend.
Why does it matter? Why should it matter?

Mailserver - FreeBSD. Again, why does this matter? How could it possibly

MTA -sendmail. What some 80-90% of installations probably use.  Again, why
does this matter?

And why should I try to "solve this at my MTA level". It's SpamAssassin
that's doing the AWL check, not sendmail, not FreeBSD, not procmail. It's
SpamAssassin that's assigning an x-rated piece of spam a score of -6.3,
apparently  because the From header was spoofed to contain MY email address.
It's SpamAssassin I need to convince.

And if not, perhaps you could be a little more polite and a little more

I R'd TFM; I found auto_whitelist_factor; I asked a list of supposedly
knowledgeable people if this was the best and most recommended way to fix the

I'm still asking.

- Vicki

Vicki Brown     ZZZ                   Journeyman Sourceror:
P.O. Box 1269      zz  |\     _,,,---,,_         Scripts & Philtres
San Bruno, CA       zz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_     Perl, Unix, MacOS
94066     USA         |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-'
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

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