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Hi Sandy,

Thank you for your comments.  I've given it some thought and I think I'm 
making progress towards a good rule.

Sample text we want to avoid:

  acxfic z fvddx n th   r j eghqyxun hlchd rpk zgrxlkd
  bqnkstszzwyoyh heljsi

We can try a series of several rules that test for different patters, all 
found in this text, and give each a small score.  Legitimate email might 
be likely to hit some of these, but not very many.  Whereas the spam above 
is likely to hit many.

body      CONSONANTS_7 /[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]{7}/
describe  CONSONANTS_7 Body contains 7 consecutive consonants.
score     CONSONANTS_7 0.5

body      NO_VOWELS     /\s[^aeiou]+\s/
describe  NO_VOWELS     Body contains a bock of text without any vowels.
score     NO_VOWELS     0.5

body      ISOLATED_CONSTANT /\s[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]\s/
describe  ISOLATED_CONSTANT Body contains an isolated constant.

body      ALL_CONSTANTS   /s[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]+\s/
describe  ALL_CONSTANTS   Block of text with only consonants.
score     ALL_CONSTANTS   0.5

I wonder if we can run a spell check on the text and use the number of 
spelling errors as a measure for spamminess.  Would that work?  Again, 
there is the problem of my legitimate PGP signature, and URLs and the 
like.  So we shouldn't set that score very high either.

On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 04:33:27PM -0500, Sandy S wrote:
> Sorry to say I tried something like this already - it hit every we got an
> email order with a credit card number in it, or any string of numbers for
> that matter.  Even if you added numbers to the list (/[^aeiou0-9]/), it
> would still hit on your PGP signature below, on strings like "http:", etc.
> I'm playing with Chris's OBFU rules,  but I'll keep watching the list for
> more ideas, too - I'd love to be able to catch these!

- -- 
Daniel Carrera    | OpenPGP fingerprint:
Mathematics Dept. | 6643 8C8B 3522 66CB D16C D779 2FDD 7DAC 9AF7 7A88
UMD, College Park | http://www.math.umd.edu/~dcarrera/pgp.html
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (SunOS)


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