On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 04:41:54PM -0400, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> body      MY_CONSONANT_4  /[^aeiou]{4}/
> describe  MY_CONSONANT_4  Body contains 4 consecutive consonants.
> score     MY_CONSONANT_4  0.15

The pattern might be dangerous for french, chinese,
or polish mails :-)  Because chinese utf8 or koi8 code has
'only consonants' of the above definition.
And e.g. frnch has lots of accented characters.
Also polish has words with SO many consonants
in a row, that even we germans have problems with
those words :-)

So the pattern may work in somebody's *private*
setup but might be a bad idea in a global setting.

Yours,   Stucki    (german postmaster :-)

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