The default scores are 0 for several RBLs. Is this policy or is it just that no one who participates in mass-check uses these RBLs, a bug of sorts?
Unless the participants manually seed the RBLs to non-0 values, they'll always stay at 0, as they are disabled at that value.
So what's buggy? FAQ 1.5?** The code just below.
Here's what I found out so far:
From the code: (well, configuration file, actually)
# unscored by default -- commercial/donation services. If you pay for # these, give them a score so they will be checked. # # 0.5 to 1.0 is probably good for the DUL scores # 1.5 to 2.0 is probably good for the rest
score RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET 0.0 score RCVD_IN_DUL 0.0 score RCVD_IN_DUL_FH 0.0 score RCVD_IN_RBL 0.0 score RCVD_IN_RSS 0.0
says that you don't have to pay to use SpamCop, I can still see why the SA defaults not to use it.
Unfortunatly, setting the score to 0 is the way this is done, which sends a misleading signal.
I suggest something like the original comments followed by: #score RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET 1.8 #score RCVD_IN_DUL 0.8 #score RCVD_IN_DUL_FH 0.8 #score RCVD_IN_RBL 1.8 #score RCVD_IN_RSS 1.8
Theo said: when we're ready to release we do a general mass-check which everyone can get in on.
(actually anyone can get in on the nightly runs too.) - Theo
See ./Mail-SpamAssassin-2.51/masses for more info on score generation.
R.W. <rwmailing (chez)> writes
(archive at
It's purely idle curiosity, but why are there so many default score entries of 0.001 ?
Rules with scores of 0 are *not* run.
Rules with non-zero scores such as 0.001 are run. The common reasons why a score of 0.001 or -0.001 would be used:
- because we manually raised it so they would be run during the distributed GA (the genetic algorithm that calibrates the scores) process [...]
/*//Originally posted by robmueller /
*About the 0 score for spamcop, speak to the spamassassion people about it. They're the ones that set the default scores. I thought it was supposed to use a genetic algorithm to train the scores to be optimal...
*SpamAssassin FAQ Entry 1.5. Says: SA's scores are assigned using a genetic algorithm, to optimise their efficiency and minimise false positives and false negatives. More information can be found on the 'Tests' page. Note that you can help this system by providing statistics on your mail spool.
FAQ 1.12 says:
Before every major release, the SpamAssassin developers send out a call for advanced users to submit data for use in the GA process. If you follow the SpamAssassin-talk mailing list, maintain spam and ham corpuses, are familiar with Perl, rsync, and CVS, then this may be a way in which you can contribute.
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