Bart Schaefer wrote on Wed, 2 Jul 2003 08:55:34 -0700 (PDT):

> Possibly because Mozilla isn't written in Perl?
> Possibly because SA already has its own HTML renderer through which the
> messages are passed?

And possibly because Mozilla libaries are not necessarily installed on mail 

> > and extract the text as the viewer would see.
> The only way to extract the text as the viewer would see it is to use the
> renderer of the viewer's mail client [impossible, given that SA generally
> runs before the message is even delivered], because no two renderers
> produce the same result in every possible case.

Well, I think one can do three things (all of them):

1. just ignore all extra markup or seemingly markup, so that you just get 
the text
2. specifically check for those nasty "workarounds" since they are a spam 
indicator per se.
3. render the message or use some HTML-aware scanner to be able to mark 
those spam typical things like body="#000000", big fonts etc.

Don't know what sa-2.60 does of these.



Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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