Harold Hallikainen wrote:

I'm getting a BUNCH of bounces where someone has used a return address
that returns to me. This address is commonly used by spammers (it's an
invalid address here, but I get all the mail with invalid usernames). The
mail is promoting onlineclicks.biz . With all the bounces, I'd hate to
think how many pieces of this spam are actually getting through. Amazingly
I have not yet received angry mail from a recipient.

So, what can I do about this spam technique? Anything?

Simply configure your MTA such that it will not accept mail to non-valid users. Both the two MTAs that I know and work with, Exim 4 and Postfix 2, are easy to configure to do this, and folk say that Sendmail is too.

I'm refusing a lot of mail addressed to invalid users and have avoided "polite" Joe jobs with this configuration.


Working to get a life


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