On Thu, 19 Jun 2003, Warren Togami wrote:

> If everyone is in agreement that SBL is effective and safe, why is
> spamassassin's default score for RCVD_IN_SBL so low?

Based on analyzing a big body of spam and ham messages, the GA in it's
finite wisdom adjusted the score of RCVD_IN_SBL to balance false negatives
and false positives. In short, the magic black box of the GA set the
score; we mere mortals should not challenge the decisions of the mighty
GA. :)

Based on my limited understanding of the score generation process, if SA's
overall accuracy were increased with a larger RCVD_IN_SBL score, the GA
would have scored it higher. Probably. You may get better results with a
higher score but you're not seeing the same traffic that SA was trained


-- Bob

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