
I need to learn, that for SAhelp I need to change the To:, Grrr.

----- Forwarded message from Claudio Clemens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
On Thu, Nov 21, 2002 at 11:33:03PM -0700, Michael Moncur wrote:
> > This is possible, but many (okay, I) consider it arrogant, obnoxious
> > and just generally annoying. I've had users report bugs to me for
> > Debian, and then when I respond, they want me to jump through a hoop
> > so my mail (that THEY REQUESTED) gets to them.
> I agree. I've never considered myself important enough to make people jump
> through hoops just to send me a message, and when I get autoresponses from
> people using systems like that, I usually throw them out and let them miss
> my message.

And what about "password" Subjects? spamfilter has such a feature. If
the user is wanting to send you something (and you have realy no idea
who he is), he may find your address in the web, and the following
comment: If you are sending your first e-mail to me, please write the
following "password" in/with the Subject: "vulpogratz"

If you write someone before, you can just mention this in the mail, or
you can write the password yourself in your subject (so a reply
shouldn't fail).

If you receive an e-mail with this password, the sender can be placed in
a graylist. He should be whitelisted somewhen (e.g. after 3 postings).

But actualy you can use spamfilter with SpamAssassin, and combine their
features (the configuration of spamfilter is more dificult).

My 2¢

----- End forwarded message -----

+- .''`. ---| Claudio Clemens in Germany now |----| Woody |-----------+
| : :' :       asturio at gmx.net        GNU/Linux User #79942        |
| `. `'            "To C or not to C? That's the question!"           |
|   `-             "YE GODS, I HAVE FEET??!" <- Userfriendly          |
Pergunta a um hacker: Você quer um bolo OU um sorvete? : - Não!

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