> This is possible, but many (okay, I) consider it arrogant, obnoxious
> and just generally annoying. I've had users report bugs to me for
> Debian, and then when I respond, they want me to jump through a hoop
> so my mail (that THEY REQUESTED) gets to them.

I agree. I've never considered myself important enough to make people jump
through hoops just to send me a message, and when I get autoresponses from
people using systems like that, I usually throw them out and let them miss
my message.

> I would support a system like that mixed with a spam filter like
> spamassassin on a public mailing list (with subscribers already
> whitelisted of course). But use on personal e-mail without even
> checking to see if a message looks like spam first, that's
> unacceptable.

I wouldn't object to using a TMDA-like system on suspected spam (say,
anything scoring 5 to 10). The trouble with that is that SpamAssassin works
so well, I've only had about 5 false positives in the last two months, and
all of them were automated emails that wouldn't have made it through TMDA

Michael Moncur  mgm at starlingtech.com  http://www.starlingtech.com/
"If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style." --Quentin Crisp

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