David Masterson said the following on 18/11/02 20:31:
Matt Sergeant writes:

Matthew Cline said the following on 16/11/02 03:14:

Anyone know some forums or mailing lists where spammers discuss
their trade?  I'd like to take a look at some of them, just out of

There's Clickz.com, but I think they're mostly legit (opt-in)
marketers there now talking about how to avoid being filtered. Still
some interesting stuff though.

Hmmmm.  If it was truly "opt-in", why would they need to avoid
filters?  They could simply have their customers white-list them.
Is this a troll? Getting all the customers to white list them doesn't scale, isn't always practical, and is simply looking at the problem from the wrong end of the stick.

Geez, you should be *glad* these guys are looking at how to do it white-hat, and avoid looking like spammers.


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