Do you monitor the mailscanner lists? V4 was released which was rewritten from the ground up and you can multiple processes of Mailscanner running. It is much faster.
I think it's also a matter of perception. In the case of a milter, you still have only one sendmail process handling incoming mail so a the backed up queues are still happening just on someone elses system while the milter returns back to sendmail. -----Original Message----- From: John Rudd [mailto:jrudd@;] Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 9:31 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Kevin J. Steil; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [SAtalk] MailScanner vs Milter installation On Wednesday, Oct 23, 2002, at 14:22 US/Pacific, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > mailscanner started to choke whenever loads of e-mail came in. Sounds like my servers. Any time we get a big chunk of messages come in, I have to worry about whether or not Mailscanner will keep up. I also sort of don't like the "dual queue" thing. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Are you doing yours via a local program that the sendmail/milter invokes, or a daemon that sendmail/milter talks to? (did you have to get spamd running? I haven't really tried too hard to get spamd to compile on solaris, but it didn't work automagically) > As far as including spamassassin's headers, I don't remember how to do > that with mailscanner. mimedefang makes it fairly easy though. Can mimedefang make the headers read a particular way? For example, we already use mailscanner for virus scanning (but not yet for spam assassin, that's only on our test server). I don't want users to have to switch away from their current header filtering, so I want it to say "X-UCSC-MailScanner: found to be clean/infected", and then have the spam check say "X-UCSC-MailScanner-Spamcheck: (not) spam" and then followed by the spam assassin total and which rules were tripped. And also maybe keep in the Spamassassin * count with a header named "X-UCSC-MailScanner-Spamlevel:" or something. Oh, and, Subject modification for Viruses, but not Spam. That'd be ideal to me. (we added the "UCSC" to the mailscanner headers so you'd know which site the results came from) > BTW, sopho's is also supported by mimedefang, so you won't have to > worry > about getting/using a different virus scanner. Are integrating Sophos and Spam Assassin into Mimedefang fairly straight forward? (also, my production machines are Solaris 8 ... though, my test machine is a redhat box, if that helps with determining how straight forward things are) ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: ApacheCon, November 18-21 in Las Vegas (supported by COMDEX), the only Apache event to be fully supported by the ASF. _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]