On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, Kevin J. Steil wrote:

> Also, which will perform better...using mailscanner or a milter in
> sendmail??
> This is an enterprise SMTP Gateway...going to be passing about 10K to
> 20k message per day.

I've used both mailscanner and mimedefang, and mimedefang (a milter) is
mailscanner started to choke whenever loads of e-mail came in.
Using mimedefang, I've got SpamAssassin spam scanning, and clamd virus
scanning going on a FreeBSD box that's pushing 50-80k msgs/day through it,
and I'm sure it'll handle a good deal more.
No matter what I tried, I couldn't get mailscanner to keep up with the
load, even when it was fairly consistant. Mailscanner would pick up all
the messages in it's queue, and by the time it was done scanning them,
there were more in it's queue than it had origonally picked up. Repeat
that a bunch of times, then there's 10,000 messages sitting in it's queue.

If anyone has had different experiances, I'd be interested in knowing how
you got mailscanner to do it.

As far as including spamassassin's headers, I don't remember how to do
that with mailscanner. mimedefang makes it fairly easy though.

BTW, sopho's is also supported by mimedefang, so you won't have to worry
about getting/using a different virus scanner.

Josh I.

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