On Wednesday, Oct 23, 2002, at 14:22 US/Pacific, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sounds like my servers. Any time we get a big chunk of messages come in, I have to worry about whether or not Mailscanner will keep up. I also sort of don't like the "dual queue" thing. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.mailscanner started to choke whenever loads of e-mail came in.
Are you doing yours via a local program that the sendmail/milter invokes, or a daemon that sendmail/milter talks to? (did you have to get spamd running? I haven't really tried too hard to get spamd to compile on solaris, but it didn't work automagically)
Can mimedefang make the headers read a particular way? For example, we already use mailscanner for virus scanning (but not yet for spam assassin, that's only on our test server). I don't want users to have to switch away from their current header filtering, so I want it to say "X-UCSC-MailScanner: found to be clean/infected", and then have the spam check say "X-UCSC-MailScanner-Spamcheck: (not) spam" and then followed by the spam assassin total and which rules were tripped.As far as including spamassassin's headers, I don't remember how to do that with mailscanner. mimedefang makes it fairly easy though.
And also maybe keep in the Spamassassin * count with a header named "X-UCSC-MailScanner-Spamlevel:" or something.
Oh, and, Subject modification for Viruses, but not Spam.
That'd be ideal to me. (we added the "UCSC" to the mailscanner headers so you'd know which site the results came from)
BTW, sopho's is also supported by mimedefang, so you won't have to worry
about getting/using a different virus scanner.
Are integrating Sophos and Spam Assassin into Mimedefang fairly straight forward? (also, my production machines are Solaris 8 ... though, my test machine is a redhat box, if that helps with determining how straight forward things are)
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