What kind of machine are you running on (ie: is it really slow? ;) )?
It's a 400MHz Power Mac G3, which should be more than fast enough to handle this sort of thing...

Have you disabled network checks? You can easily turn off the DNS checks
via 'skip_rbl_checks 1' in the local.cf file. If you have installed
Razor, DCC, or Pyzor, try setting their score to 0.
I tried setting 'skip_rbl_checks 1' in local.cf and killing/restarting spamd, but that had no effect. I have Razor installed, but the SA docs say that razor_timeout defaults to 10 seconds, so that shouldn't hold things up, should it? Are you saying that I should set the scores of the Razor tests to zero and that'll prevent SA from using them?

Actually, even though I installed Razor according to the instructions on the Razor web site, I don't think SpamAssassin is using it -- none of the spams I've gotten have had anything about a razor test added to the headers by SA, even though I've gotten quite a few spams that probably aren't unique to me. How do I tell SA that Razor's installed and it can start using it?

Another interesting thing -- spamc is being called with the argument '-s 256000', which ought to just refuse to process any message longer than 256K, right? But I just tried sending through an email with a 2.1MB attachment, and spamd timed out after five minutes again...

Any ideas on my other question, too? How do I get spamd to use the rules I set up for it in local.cf?

____ |\/| Brian Kendig Set your priorities right.
\ /\ / ..__. brian at enchanter net No one ever said on his
\/ \__\ _/ http://www.enchanter.net/ death bed, "Gee, if I'd
\__ __ \_ Be insatiably curious. only spent more time at
\____\___\ Ask "why" a lot. the office."

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