I'm having trouble using SpamAssassin with the Exim mail server, via
SA-Exim. Specifically, my problems are with spamd.
(1) Spamd runs *very slowly*. It's taking more than half a minute for
messages under 1K large. For example, in mail.log:
spamd[11997]: processing message
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for exim:-2,
expecting 888 bytes.
spamd[11997]: clean message (-1.0/5.0) for exim:-2 in 31.2 seconds, 888
spamd[12015]: processing message
<038c52d02c1a$7747b8d3$4eb30ce2@fruhbw> for exim:-2, expecting 2848
spamd[12015]: identified spam (10.9/5.0) for exim:-2 in 30.4 seconds,
2848 bytes.
For larger messages, especially messages with attachments, spamd easily
tries to take more than five minutes to process the message, and then
it gets killed by Exim's timeout and the mail is rejected. The
computer I'm running it on is under a very light load and has plenty of
idle time. I don't see any error messages from spamd in system.log,
mail.log, or eximmainlog. Why is spamd running so slowly?
(2) Spamd is ignoring the custom rules I'm setting up in
'/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf'. For example, I set up this rule:
header SPAMTRAP1 Envelope-To =~ /spamtrap\@enchanter\.net/i
describe SPAMTRAP1 Delivered to spamtrap [EMAIL PROTECTED]
score SPAMTRAP1 50.0
Then I send email to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and it easily comes in
under my 5.0 threshold even though it has an 'Envelope-To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]' header. This custom rule, and the others I set
up in local.cf (all of them covering other spamtrap addresses like this
one), are all being ignored. (Yes, I killed and restarted spamd after
editing the file.)
My configuration: Mac OS X 10.2.1, Exim 4.10, SpamAssassin 2.43,
SA-Exim 2.1. All the latest versions as far as I know.
____ |\/| Brian Kendig Set your priorities right.
\ /\ / ..__. brian at enchanter net No one ever said on his
\/ \__\ _/ http://www.enchanter.net/ death bed, "Gee, if I'd
\__ __ \_ Be insatiably curious. only spent more time at
\____\___\ Ask "why" a lot. the office."
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Spamassassin-talk mailing list
- Re: [SAtalk] spamd ignores custom rules and runs very slow... Brian Kendig
- Re: [SAtalk] spamd ignores custom rules and runs very... Theo Van Dinter
- Re: [SAtalk] spamd ignores custom rules and runs ... Brian Kendig
- Re: [SAtalk] spamd ignores custom rules and r... Theo Van Dinter
- Re: [SAtalk] spamd ignores custom rules and r... Jan Korger