
I have v2.41 installed, using it integrated with the supplied spamd/spamc
pair.  Stock rulebase, as in, that which comes in the distribution package.

In testing, I have forwarded various samples of the heap o' spam that I have
in my AOL mailbox.  The "enlarge your..." sample resonates strongly with the
rules -- clearly marked as spam.  However, one porno spam, rife with porno
words, doesn't even fire a single rule!?  I am at a loss to understand that.
I can supply the spam in question to any who would want to see it, or to
verify that it is indeed immune to SA/'s analysis.  I certainly can't
imagine (well, maybe can't hope...) that the spammers have crafted SA immune

A couple questions, then...  I have not RTFC'd enough to completely
understand how to troubleshoot this situation.  Is there some way to get the
BODY ruletests to display to a debug stream?  There are hints in the code
that this debugging route is possible, but I haven't found the switch to
turn on all the debugging output yet (know about "-D" already... :-) ).

Anyone have any insight on this?


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