Jeremy Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I realized that I hadn't sent this reply back to the group...
I'm wondering if a spammer included a bogus X-Spam-Status: header in the
spam.  Most how-to examples have people checking to scan emails only if
that header does not exist.  Couldn't a spammer include this and escape
spamassassin unscathed?  Or could the X-Spam-Status: header be rewritten
(if it already exists) with the content of the latest spamassassin scan?

I will admit that I haven't looked through any archives or anything to
see if this has been discussed before.


I do not know how this could cause a problem if you are simply using
spamassassin to scan all incoming emails.  After a spamassassin check, the
X-Spam-Status: header, whether one or several, can be checked via maildrop
or procmail. I simply trigger on any status that comes up with spam
occurring.  Then into the trash/spam box with it.


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