On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 04:12:40PM -0500, Jeremy Turner wrote:
> that header does not exist.  Couldn't a spammer include this and escape
> spamassassin unscathed?  Or could the X-Spam-Status: header be rewritten
> (if it already exists) with the content of the latest spamassassin scan?

They could, but unless you have your filter written incorrectly it's
not going to help them.  For instance, here's what I use:

# If what comes in is already caught by spamassassin, flag it and continue
* ^X-Spam-Flag: YES
| formail -A "X-Reject: Previous Spamassassin match!"


So if it comes in with a "X-Spam-Flag: YES" header, I flag it as a
previous match and it gets stored as spam.  If it doesn't, it gets
scanned by SpamAssassin.  So a spammer could put in a "X-Spam-Status:
No" header if they wanted to, but it doesn't get them anywhere... :)

Randomly Generated Tagline:
"You have to stay in shape.  My grandmother, she started walking 5 miles a
 day when she was 60.  She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she 
 is."                     - Ellen DeGeneres

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