> Well, if you're autoreporting, I would agree.  But we're agreeing that
> you shouldn't autoreport.  What we're disagreeing about is whether you
> should report the spam after you verify that the message is in fact spam.

Ah...  Somewhere along the way I took a turn into the weeds.  Thanks
for winching me out of the ditch and back onto the road.

> >> If SpamAssassin correctly categorized it for you then it will also
> >> correctly categorize it for me and everyone else.  No need to put that
> >> into Razor in that case.  If it is dead already then you don't need to
> >> try to kill it deader.
> This isn't exactly true either (my installation is not equal to your
> installation), but the part I'm disagreeing with is the part that says "If
> SA catches the spam, there's no need to report it to Razor."  I don't care
> whether SA thinks a message was spam or not, if I look at the message,
> and it's spam, I report it to Razor.  If SA is nice enough to mark it as
> spam so I can easily go through and check them, that's a plus for me, but
> it in no way negates the benefit of then reporting the message to Razor.

Okay.  The razor db is designed as a database of spam.  If you have a
spam then razor would want it in its collection.  Certainly it is fine
and okay to report any spam message there.

Good discussion!


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