The contact listing for that /14 is in error. That's the 
justification. If SBIS cared, they'd fix it.  We've certainly pointed 
enough people in their direction to tell them to do so. Still not 
fixed. They obviously don't care if their customers have problems 
because of it.


At 10:46 AM -0500 6/27/02, Dallas Engelken wrote:
>Are you guys fucking serious!!
>That's blocking over 250,000 hosts!!!  The entire SBIS netblock.
> -
>There can never be justification for blocking the entire netblock 
>that is that large.


| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | "Thou art the ruins of the noblest man  |
|  Derek J. Balling   |  That ever lived in the tide of times.  |
|                     |  Woe to the hand that shed this costly  |
|                     |  blood" - Julius Caesar Act 3, Scene 1  |

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