On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 02:24:56PM -0700, Jefferson Cowart wrote:
> I have version 2 of razor installed yet spamassassin seems to be using
> version 1.2. I can't even figure out where it is finding a copy of
> version 1 on my system so I'm not able to remove the binary to get it to
> use version 2. Does spamassassin do anything odd in locating razor? I
> only find one copy of razor-check on my system and a "razor-check -v"
> confirms that it is version 2. Any reason why spamassassin in debug mode
> (and I'm assuming normal mode) is invoking a mysterious copy of razor
> 1.2

As someone else stated, 2.3x doesn't support Razor2 yet (although patches
are available via Bugzilla).  SA doesn't look for the razor-* programs,
it calls the modules directly.  When you installed Razor2 it didn't get
rid of the Razor1 modules, and they're named differently so there was
no overwriting.

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