Olivier, I think it's probably only for recent subscribers that you're now in
the toilet:

[craig@belphegore spamassassin]$ tools/check_whitelist |fgrep ait.ac
    -3.8 (-118.8/31)  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    -2.3 (-207.9/91)  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anyone who's seen 120-odd messages from you will have much better AWL scores for
your messages.


Olivier Nicole wrote:

ON> >I was surprised to see that the "AWL: Auto-whitelist
ON> >adjustment" rule added 31.1 (thirty-one point one!) to
ON> >the score of the following email from this very list
ON> >server.
ON> I hope I will not get white/blak listed on this answer...
ON> The previous mail I sent had a very very bad score, so I got myself
ON> very much black listed, then the 31.1


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